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The Nigerian Bar Association's, Institute of Continuing Legal Education announces a 10 day training programme to begin on 3rd April, 2024. The Board Chairman, NBA-ICLE, Tobenna Erojikwe, who announced the 10-day Civil Litigation Training programme noted that it would be facilitated by an array of renowned legal practitioners and jurists from Nigeria, the United Kingdom, and Canada. The training programme, scheduled to commence on the 3rd of April, 2024, will be held on select dates throughout April and the 2nd of May, 2024, with each session running from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Facilitators lined up to take on various topics at the training sessions include, retired Justice Buba, Justice Dimgba, Chief Kanu Agabi (SAN), and Chief Akinlolu Olujimi (SAN), British/Nigerian King’s Counsel (KC) Oba Nsugbe, the Canadian/Nigerian KC Ugorji, among others. The training will feature comprehensive exploration of civil litigation practices, covering various aspects of the legal process and equippi


     By Dare Babarinsa The honour of becoming a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) has not lost its allure despite its age on the Nigerian scene.  The SAN is an affirmation that Nigeria is a great country on the African continent and our strength are the people of Nigeria, the men and women who give substance and meaning to our ‘Nigerianess’. The list this year is a proof that brilliance and industry can be transmitted through the DNA or acquired through close contact in the other room.  What is clear is that you cannot be a SAN if you are not solid intellectually and know your law through and through. Lawyers are very sensitive about seniority.  In those days, Chief Rotimi Williams, the incomparable legend of the Nigerian Bar, would occupy a whole front bench in the court room while lesser mortals, including the venerable Chief Gani Fawehinmi, would dare not contest the space with him. Today, there are many Senior Advocate of Nigeria, including my dear aburo, Kayode Ajulo, who at 49 is


  Dear Colleagues , NOTICE OF A PRACTICE DIRECTION BY THE CHIEF JUDGE OF OYO STATE FOR THE SUSPENSION OF OPERATION, COMPLIANCE AND APPLICATION OF PRE – ACTION PROTOCOLS AS PROVIDED FOR IN ORDER 3 OF THE OYO STATE HIGH COURT CIVIL PROCEDURE RULES 20223. You will recall that NBA, Ibadan Branch held a Press Conference on 7th November, 2023 at Aare Afe Babalola Bar Centre, and subsequently released a Communique demanding from the Oyo State Judiciary among other things; the total withdrawal or suspension of the  Pre   Action   Protocols  and  the   Practice   Direction   2022 Claims   Specific   Pre-Action   Protocols  brought about by the  New High Court (Civil Procedure) Rules 2022  which has hindered and restricted access to Court. Sequel to the facts stated above, the leadership of Oyo State Judiciary invited the Executive Committee Members of Ibadan Bar to a peace meeting held on  8th November, 2023  at the High Court Complex, Ring Road, Ibadan, wherein the need to withdraw or suspend


Two yet to be Identified Nigerian Lawyers threw caution in the wind as the engaged in an unprofessional conduct devoid of the expected finesse and candour usual associated with members of the revered legal professional. In a discreet video recorded by an unknown individual, both me were seen embroiled in an heated argument in a court room a d at some point raised chairs in an attempt to attack each other with the deadly weapon. Watch Video: This show of shame, which has put the legal profession and practitioner alike out in the open is has continued to raise concerns about the level of decadence and decay gradually eating up the fabric of the legal profession and calls for an urgent intervention to save the law profession from further ridicule.