The federal high court sitting in Abuja on Friday, 15th December, 2023, (coram) Hon. Justice G. K. Olotu has ordered the Registrar General of the Corporate Affairs Commission to without delay register the Nigerian Law society, a rival body of Nigerian Bar Association as a legally recognized body. Delivering it's judgment in suit number FHC/ABJ/CS/482/2023 filed by Chief Bolaji Ayorinde SAN & 5 ORS V. Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) favour of the Plaintiffs, the Court, rejected the argument of CAC in both the Preliminary Objection and the substantive Suit and held that, the right to peaceful assembly and association guaranteed under Section 40 of the CFRN 1999 covers the kind of association the Plaintiffs intend to register. On the defendants claim of lack of spread and national character, the court also held that it cannot find anywhere under sections 823, 824 and 825 of CAMA where spread and national character was stated as pre-conditions for registration of an incorporated...