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From all indications, he is a reporter’s delight, a versatile activist, politician of note and erudite scholar. 

He has friends in all the stations - students, artisans, NGOS, Business and political class, including the social circles. 

His mien evokes passion of able representation of people in his environment, both at home and abroad. 

Hon. Segun Olaleye, (Radical Brother), is an household name in the politics of Oyo state and beyond. 

He was a two-term parliamentarian in the Oyo-State house of assembly, 2011-2019, where he held sway as a competent debater, initiator of legislative bills/laws and utility contributor to motions on the floor of the house. 

In and outside the government, he is always relevant in the business of politics and grassroot mobilisation. 

It is incontrovertible, asserting Hon. Segun Olaniyi Olaleye as a political stakeholder of all seasons.

In the just concluded election cycle, he pitched his tent with APC where he played formidable roles in Bola Tinubu’s presidential bid. 

He spent fortunes at ensuring the successes recorded at the last polls, most especially in Ibadan North local government area council territory. 

In his words, “no amount of money is too big to spend at installing a progressive government in Nigeria.” 

According to him, the A.P.C. candidates across board are accomplished men and women whose proficiency in political administration can not be faulted by any reasonable person judging by their positive antecedents in public offices. 

So, I have no regrets investing huge financial resources in making this a reality, he concluded.

Besides, he plays the roles of a philanthropist by attending to the needs of his constituents in and out of office.

Political observers are wondering why this enigma has not been assigned any role under PBAT- led administration. 

However, his teeming admirers are hopeful, that their leader shall soon be rewarded with a political appointment under the Federal government where he is expected to add value to the governance system at the centre. 

Yes, he has the required competence and ability to manage any position which may be assigned to him.

As a committed stakeholder in the realm of politics in Oyo State and by extension, Nigeria, Hon. Segun Olaniyi Olaleye is a man to watch as the re-alignment of political forces commences. 

There are two ways to this approach, either  elective or by appointment. 

But, odds are heavily in favour of considering the former judging by his antecedents and vast network of political allies within and outside Oyo-State. 

His political structures which still remains intact and relevant in the scheme of things is being promoted and oiled regularly for any national or state assignment at a very short notice.

To this end, one should not be taken aback if he throws his hat in the ring for an electoral contest.

It is amazing and gladdens one’s heart that he has taken his quest and passion for good governance in Nigeria and Africa as a call to service, as he is the brain behind the formation of various political groups in the state. 

Hence, Nigerian's and other Nationalities from African states are being taught political education, objectives of Pan-Africanism, strategies to be adopted in liberation struggles and recipe for good governance. 

The whole focus is on African growth and development with an intent to making the citizens therein imbibe best conducts and practices as obtained in the civilised states of the world. 

In his reasoning, Africans have no reason remaining impoverished despite the availability of huge material resources at the disposal of the continent.

He is of the conviction that corruption in all forms should be stamped out to enable the continent harness all those resources and utilise same for the citizens. 

Moreover, he advocated for the strengthening of institutions like Police, Judiciary, Election Commission, Legislature Executive, Civil/Public service among others.

It is only in these ways that virile governance system can be achieved.

Greg Aremu is a Public Affairs analyst and a Political enthusiast from Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria.


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