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I believe it is important for us to honor our patriarch and one of the founding fathers of our state, Afe Babalola, by declaring a day in his name. 

Therefore, I propose that we encourage our representatives in the state house of assembly to introduce a bill recognizing "Afe Babalola Day." 

This would be a great honor for our representatives and a commendable initiative for our APC leadership caucus to pursue.

In line with this idea, I have drafted a proposed bill which is attached for the consideration of our representatives, should the house approve. 

Thank you for your attention to this matter.



This bill shall be titled : Afe Babalola Day Recognition Bill


Whereas, Chief Afe Babalola is a distinguished Nigerian lawyer who, despite lacking formal education, attained degrees in economics and law, has practiced law for 60 years, and was awarded the prestigious Senior Advocate of Nigeria title; 

Whereas, Chief Afe Babalola is a distinguished Nigerian lawyer who has made extraordinary contributions to the field of law, education, and philanthropy, and

Whereas, Chief Afe Babalola has dedicated his life to the service of humanity and has been a trailblazer in promoting education and empowering the youth, and

Whereas, Chief Afe Babalola's outstanding achievements have brought honor and recognition to the people of Ekiti State, and

Whereas, Chief Afe Babalola's exemplary dedication to education, philanthropy, and community development has significantly impacted the lives of countless individuals, notably through the establishment of a renowned private university, hospitals, farm estates, and an expansive industrial park; and

Whereas , Chief Afe Babalola's contributions serve as a beacon of inspiration and a model of selfless service for the citizens of Ekiti State and beyond;

Whereas, it is fitting and proper to recognize and honor Chief Afe Babalola for his exceptional legacy, exemplary conduct, and selfless service to the community.

Be it enacted by the House of Assembly of Ekiti State as follows: On Afe Babalola Day, appropriate commemorative activities shall be organized by the government of Ekiti State to celebrate Chief Afe Babalola's legacy and accomplishments.

Section 1: 

The Ekiti State Government officially declares [DATE] of every year as "Afe Babalola Day" in honor of Chief Afe Babalola's extraordinary contributions to the legal profession, education, philanthropy, and community development.

2.2. Such activities may include, but are not limited to, public ceremonies, educational seminars, community service projects, and cultural events that highlight Chief Afe Babalola's life, achievements, and values.

2.3. The State Government shall encourage public and private schools, community organizations, and individuals to organize events to commemorate Afe Babalola Day and to highlight Chief Afe Babalola's impact on society.

Section 3: Educational Initiatives* 

3.1. The government of Ekiti State shall promote educational initiatives aimed at inspiring future generations to emulate Chief Afe Babalola's commitment to lifelong learning, excellence, and service to humanity.

3.2. These initiatives may include scholarships, mentorship programs, and educational outreach efforts targeted at underserved communities, with a focus on promoting access to quality education and nurturing talent across various fields.

Section 4: Recognition and Appreciation

4.1. The government of Ekiti State shall express its appreciation and gratitude to Chief Afe Babalola for his outstanding contributions to the state and nation through the presentation of a formal proclamation and other appropriate honors.

4.2. Such recognition may also extend to individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to furthering Chief Afe Babalola's vision of educational excellence, philanthropy, and community development.

Section 5: Implementation

5.1. The Ministry of Culture, Arts, and Tourism, in collaboration with relevant government agencies and stakeholders, shall be responsible for the implementation and coordination of activities related to Afe Babalola Day.

5.2. The State Government shall allocate resources and funding to support the promotion and celebration of Afe Babalola Day, including but not limited to the publication of educational materials, media campaigns, and the establishment of scholarships in Chief Afe Babalola's honor.

Section 6: Enactment

6.1. This bill shall come into effect upon its passage and approval by the Governor of Ekiti State.

We, therefore, propose for the immediate passage of this bill to officially establish "Afe Babalola Day" in honor of Chief Afe Babalola's exemplary contributions and to express the deep appreciation of the people of Ekiti State for his exceptional service and leadership.

 All laws or regulations inconsistent with the provisions of this bill are hereby repealed or amended accordingly.


In recognition of Chief Afe Babalola's exceptional achievements and unwavering commitment to the betterment of society, the Ekiti State House of Assembly should hereby pass this bill to officially declare Afe Babalola Day and honor his legacy for generations to come.

(This bill shall be a joint private member bill to be proposed by the two members representing Ado Constituency 1 and 2 , Ado Ekiti)


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