An Iyaganku Chief Magistrate court has remanded in prison custody, a 59 year old ex-student of Government College Ibadan, Debo Adegbola over a three count charge bothering on indecent touching, sexual assault and breach of public peace. The accused, who is an automobile dealer who pleaded not guilty to the charges had on Saturday, 17th February, 2024, at a burial party in a popular event center along poly Eleyele road in Ibadan, indecently touched the victim in sensitive parts of her body publicly without her consent. Adebowale, was also said to have slapped the victim, who is an Ibadan based female legal practitioner countless number of times in the process of the assault. Still not satisfied, Debo Adegbola was alleged to have picked up a bottle and smashed it on the head of the victim, thereby breaking her skull in the process, causing her grievious injury leaving her in a pool of blood before she was rushed to a private hospital around Bodija area of Ibadan for first aid treat...
Innalilahi Wainah ileyi rojiunah